M2M Machine to Machine Service Providers Need to Register with DOT

Machine to Machine (M2M )Service Providers Need to Register with (DOT) Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications India.

GOT Issue the Guidelines for Registration Process of M2M Service Providers- M2MSP and WPAN/WLAN Connectivity Providers for M2M Services.

The License/Authorization for M2M are granted for three different
Categories namely :

Category ‘A’,

Category ‘B’ and

Category ‘C’.

The Service Area for Category ‘A’ authorization shall be the National Area.

The Service Area for Category ‘B’ authorization shall be the Telecom Circle/Metro area

Service Area for Category ‘C’ authorization shall be the Secondary Switching Area
(SSA) as defined

If the Licensee desires to obtain M2M Category ‘C’
Authorization, under Unified License, for more than four SSAs in a Telecom Circle, the
Licensee shall be required to obtain M2M Category ‘B’ authorization for that Service

For More Details Call To Expert: +91 8302935154